* Edit *
The team responsible for the creation of Montagu :
- Wehavefreshcookies
And yours truly.
I am now developing a bot called " Montagu " it will be in a informative chat bot much like Armour 2.0
Well actually Montagu will be powered by the same engine so really Montagu will just be a less clever but more concentrated version of Armour. Montagu will know all the mods, admins, faq, common questions, popular users, flash..etc.
I will have to postpone Armour V3 as that will take a long while to make and will be on a moded engine.
With new AIML subjects.
* EDIT * Montagu now will have access to your basic data and username for greeting.
PS : Thanks Wade for changing my username !
Sounds freaky!
Its not dont worry :P