Owner of TS ( http://www.socetybad ger.com )

Harry Mant @Armour

Age 90, Male



Joined on 6/27/07

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1,630 / 1,880
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5.47 votes
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"in to a touch screen"
Otherwise seems fine

Oops touchscreen* , my bad ! Will fix that up.
Thank you for that :)

Cool, I was looking for something to crash my browser.

It is very light on the browser. The page might be constructed in flash but its been designed to hardly weigh anything and use up hardly an CPU.

A website such as " Yahoo " is a lot more powerful in a sense that it would have a more likely chance to crash your browser, this includes " Newgrounds ".

There isn't much to do, and it's not very funny. It's boring and has nothing of interest. At all.

you what ? Since when does a business selling electronics has to be funny ?
Define " Not much to do ", what do you want ? Games on a website that sells products ?

Looks great. The look of the site really suits what its selling.

The site looks pretty good, precisely what you'd expect from an online electronics store. Some would find it a bit generic, but I find no problems with it.
I have but two complaints:
1. Audio: I've never been a fan of sounds on buttons (Store) and the music seems a bit loud (About) and kinda caught me offguard. They add little to the site, in my opinion its better to leave it out.
2. The Cyborg Head: I'm assuming this is the company logo. While there's nothing wrong with the idea itself, I'd redesign it to be more anatomically correct (The eyes and neck, mainly). That alone should make it a lot better.
If you have the ability to do so, I think it would work a lot better with depth or even as a 3d wireframe. Besides the anatomical errors, the flatness bothers me, it looks rather amateurishly done compared to the rest of the site.

Also, you might want to read over the pieces of text on the site, besides some minor typos/grammatical mistakes, some sentences don't flow all that well. Just say some of them out loud and you'll know what I mean.

Good luck with your business.

At the bottom, you have 4 important looking sections: Product, Jobs, News and Partners. These all look like they should take you somewhere if you click on them. For example, clicking on "Product" should take one to some kind of product description. Jobs should take one to some kind of job posting or otherwise detail contacts for this. News should take one to a news page. Partners should take one to a page that details how to become a partner. Instead, they do nothing. There are no links otherwise to these subjects, so this is all kinds of bad design.

There's no product description page that I was able to find. That's kind of necessary for a product like this.

The whole page is done in flash, which is acceptable. However, every link in the navigation at the top takes one to a completely different page with a whole new flash embed with its own navigation bar. That's not acceptable. The whole layout is just so silly. You have everything inside a frameset, but make zero use of it. The whole point of a frameset is to keep elements separate that don't need to load at the same time or interact only one-way. Like a navbar. That is, put the navbar in a different frame.

Sound with rollovers. No. Just no. That sort of thing is fine for a music or art site, but never for something like this.

The main page says the product has been released, but when you go to "shop" for it, "this product is not available." So, you click on it, and it just takes you to a page that asks for payment info. Without even a product description page to give more detail on what exactly it is you are paying for? Really?